Social Wellness- Am I Ready for This Time of Year?

We all have our reasons that make us agree or disagree with this statement. For me, I enjoy the downtime I get during this season and the reflection of my life I am led to make. During said reflection time, the relationships I have in my life often come into question. Are there people who don’t have my best interest at heart? Boundaries I am not honoring? Have a done my best to make a great impact in the way I serve others? What changes do I need to make moving forward and what areas of my life do I want to focus on improving? Have I done my part in maintaining and growing the relationships I need? And most importantly, am I in God’s will?

No matter what order these questions come up in, it never fails that I find it more and more important to focus on my relationship with God and my relationship with others. The social aspect of my life is something that I ignore at times. I’ll be the first to admit that although I am grateful for friends and family, I do not prioritize this aspect of my social health. This year I decided to be a little more intentional about things and I am pleased with the progress I was able to make in this area, and I want to share a few tips on how to make this your most wonderful time of the year, despite the functions you have on the calendar and obligations you may be trying to meet or avoid. We need to be in the mindset of doing it God’s way.

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Higher Ground Consulting

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